Thursday 27 October 2011

Research part 4

Here are some pictures which highlights a comparison between the newspapers

Research part 3

Previously on my research I have discussed about different sizes and different types of the newspaper. In this part of my research i'll be talking about the context in the newspaper.
The context in all the newspaper varies but somethings are found in all the newspapers like
Nmber of columns on the first page: there are 8 columns on the first page of a newspaper. usually there is a picture of three colunms. Every newspaper has a masthead
usually the font styles used by newspapers are Franklin Gothi , Times , Century and Helvetica Other fonts include Poynter , Futura , Utopia , Nimrod , Bureau  and Interstate

Research part 2

Newspapers have different sizes (Newspaper sizes are the size of the folded pages)
There is a "Broadsheet" size newspaper , which has dimensions of  750 x 600 mm (29.5" x 23.5")
Broadsheet size is not that famous and it is being replaced by ''Tabloid''.
then there is a newspaper size known as "Berliner" , It's dimensions are 470 mm x 315 mm (18.5" x 12.4"). The Berliner is even known as Midi. Berliner format newspapers are commonly used across Europe.
"Tabloid" is another size of newspaper. It's dimensions are 430 x 280 mm (16.9" x 11.0"). The tabloid size is often referred to as being ''half the size of a broadsheet''
Tabloid size is not that different from A3 size. The word tabloid when referring to newspaper sizes come from the style of journalism known as ''tabloid journalism'' that compacted stories into short , easy to read and often exaggerated forms. Tabloid journalism itself got its name from the 'tabloid pills'
The tabloid size is widely used across the globe these days. Recently many established papers have changed from broadsheet size to tabloid size as it has proved more popular with readers.
The ''compact'' size is the same as tabloid. The term being coined when the 'quality' or 'high brow' press titles moved from the traditional broadsheet size to the smaller tabloid size as they didn't want to be associated with the sensationalism of tabloid journalism

Research part1

I have conducted a research on the different types of newspaper and different sizes of newspaper. Different types of news include general news , polictical news , business news , regional news , entrainment news , niche-orientated news (health , science , technology) , crime reporting , and sensationalism
Different types of newspaper iclude daily newspaper which is issued every day sometimes on Sunday and some national holidays too
weekly newspapers are common and are smaller than daily newspapers. Sometimes the newspapers are published twice or thrice in a week
The national newspaper most countries have usually one newspaper that circulates around the whole nation  and then there is a local newspaper which circulates around a city or a region. There are also small magazine style versions which are usually stapled like a magazine. Though these are rarely distributed by the large publishers except at supplements to newspapers

Finalizing my idea!

I'll be working on a newspaper. I'll be making an ultra local newspaper which means ill be focusing my newspaper on a particular area. The area I decided is Royal palm golf and country club Lahore
I'll be focusing on all the events happening in Royal palm.This seems as an adventure to me I hope it goes well. :)!