Saturday 7 April 2012

News 4

Saad Sultan, a very talented and known producer/composer. Has worked with many artists. Saad has been playing sessions for many mainstream artists as well. Which includes Ali zafar, Noori , Shiraz Upal, Jal the band and recently Farhan Saeed, who is the ex vocalist of Jal the band. Saad Sultan has also been providing background score for various documentries.
It was really kind of Saad Sultan to take out time for us and amswer our few questions.

Welcome Saad thankyou so much for your time
Saad: You are most welcome
Interviewer: Saad tell us something about your entire struggling phase?
Saad: Well I have been playing with various artists since the age of 15. The first person with whom I started my career was Shiraz Upal I played guitar for him with that I provided some of the background scores to various documentaries and Music channels like the channel “Aag” later on I worked with the band Noori did a couple of shows with them after that I joined Jal the band and worked with them for 6 years
Interviewer: So now we heard that you are working with Farhan Saeed? If so then why did you parted ways with Jal the band
Saad: As everyone knows now that Farhan Saeed who was the lead vocalist of Jal the band has left the work so yes I am working with him mainly because as a musician I am more comfortable in working with him. He is a very soulful musician who gives his best in music and our scales match a lot and as far as its about why we parted ways with Jal well there are numerous of reasons one big reason was this that in Jal only one person composed the songs so we didn’t get to explore the world of music in our way (not that he wasn’t looking for our suggestions *smiles*) but besides that there are many reasons which I believe would be very unethical of me to disclose because we have been like a family so it would be realy unethical of me to bring everything out but yes obviously there are reasons for the break up of the band.
Interviewer: So tell us about your recent projects?
Saad: Well recently we have been out of Pakistan, We were in India for shows yesterday we came back to Pakistan it was a really good tour had a great time on our shows and recently we came out with a track which was a tribute to Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, WE covered his song “Halka Halka Saroor” vocals were by Farhan saeedof course and I arranged and produced the song. After that we came out with a music video known as “Khawaishyoun” the production was mine, vocals were by Farhan Saeed at bass we had Amir Aly and at drums it was Fahad Khan, The video is bascially based on a musician’s life  we have tried to show that they are normal people who sleep and act as a normal human but when they come on stage they have to provide and come up with their best forgetting everything happening in their life this song can be related to all the artists of the world. Now we are coming up with a new video which will be known as “Pee Jaoun” the video has been directed by Parlaj Jee(Indian director) and I hope everyone would love it. It will be released in a day or two besides working with Farhan Saeed I am running my own recording studio known as Sidreal studio so I help everyone with compositions and producing music.
Interviewer: Saad thankyou so much for your precious time we are sure you would be really busy buy you took time out for us thankyou and Good luck
Saad: It was a pleasure for me, Thankyou so much, Take Care.

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